August 12, 2022

Hannibal, MO. – Corey Mehaffy, Executive Director of the Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council (HREDC) announced today that the Hannibal Regional Port Authority, Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council and the Small Business Development Center at HREDC will host a Northeast Missouri Brownfields Event on September 15th starting at 8:30 am. The event will be held in Community Room on the lower level of the HomeBank facility at 3817 McMasters Avenue in Hannibal.

According to Mehaffy, the event will include presentations from the EPA, MO DNR, K-State TAB and Impact 7G on a variety of grant, technical assistance and revitalization programs related to brownfields. Mehaffy added, “Many of our communities have structures or sites that are plagued by hazardous materials. This scenario can create an unknown cost for potential developers that often leads to the developers walking away from the project. Utilizing these grant programs can allow communities to pay for a study to identify the hazardous materials and provide an estimate for the cleanup costs. Having this study not only helps to reduce the unknown for potential developers, but it also allows the communities to seek funding for cleanup.”

According to the event flyer, EPA representatives will present information on:

  • Upcoming EPA competitions for competitive grants including – Assessment Grants, Cleanup Grants, Job Training Grants, Revolving Loan Fund Grants and Multi-Purpose Grants.
  • EPA Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) program: EPA contractor conducts Phase I/II environmental site assessments, risk assessments, and develops cleanup options and cost estimates based on potential future use.
  • EPA Land Revitalization Technical Assistance (LRTA): EPA’s Land Revitalization program encourages communities to redevelop and reuse previously contaminated properties sustainably. Use of EPA contractor support provides direct technical assistance (site planning, visioning, economic analysis) to communities that wish to incorporate sustainable and equitable approaches to their locally-driven land revitalization projects

Mo DNR representatives will present information on the DNR Brownfields and Clean Up programs at the state-level.

K-State Tab representatives will present information on free technical assistance to communities and other stakeholders with Brownfields redevelopment efforts including free workshops, webinars, online training, and etool.

Impact 7G representatives walk through the necessary steps for bringing life back to stagnant properties. Brownfields specialists will provide an overview of property evaluation, assessment, reuse planning, and remediation. Specialists will also review funding resources and public/private partnerships that enable redevelopment, which can lead to the transformation of brownfields back into productive lands.

In addition to the presentations, representatives from the various organizations will be available for site/building tours in the region. Mehaffy said, “We have included some time in the program agenda for communities in the area to invite the representatives to tour specific buildings or sites they have identified as candidates for these programs.”

“There are a lot of programs to assist with challenging redevelopment and re-use projects. Our goal with this event is to make communities, counties, other political subdivisions and businesses aware of these programs. Many of our communities are challenged with difficult sites and buildings and I am hopeful that these resources will help them find a way to move these projects forward” said Mehaffy.

Following the presentations and tours on the 15th, the representatives will be traveling to Canton, MO to attend the 2022 Tri-State Development Summit hosted by Culver Stockton College. EPA representatives will be providing a short overview of programs during the afternoon session on the 16th.

More information on the event can be found at HREDC representatives request that attendees RSVP to

HREDC works to promote financial investment in Hannibal, and Marion and Ralls Counties.  For more information on the organization, please visit their website at

Brownfield Flyer 8.12.22