What is Ignite?

Ignite is a partnership between Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council, the Small Business Development Center, and the Hannibal Chamber of Commerce; dedicated to creating an ecosystem that attracts, creates, supports, and accelerates new and existing businesses in Northeast Missouri.

Ignite creates this ecosystem by establishing entrepreneurship support networks within the community, providing expert technical assistance, and connecting entrepreneurs with resources.

Ignite is a partnership. Thanks to coordination through Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council, the Small Business Development Center, and the Hannibal Chamber of Commerce, Ignite is taking off across Northeast Missouri.

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Our mission is to develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports new and existing businesses in the Hannibal region by providing expert technical assistance, establishing entrepreneurial support networks, and connecting entrepreneurs with investors.


Ignite seeks to create an ecosystem that attracts, creates, supports, and accelerates new and existing businesses in the Hannibal region.

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Why Ignite?

Ignite is dedicated to establishing entrepreneurship support networks within Northeast Missouri, providing expert technical assistance, and connecting entrepreneurs with resources.

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Ignite provides entrepreneurs with a network of trusted professional service providers:

  • Loan officers
  • Attorneys
  • Insurance providers
  • Accountants
  • And more!

Connect With:

Civic Organizations

Education Leaders

Elected Officials

Public Administrators

Mentor Network

Mentor Network

Our entrepreneurship support network includes a mentorship effort, where experienced business people who understand entrepreneurship can share their experience and expertise with new entrepreneurs.

  • Connect with experienced entrepreneurs
  • Cultivate relationships with successful business owners
Orange Pillar

Technical Assistance

Entrepreneurs can coordinate with recommended local service providers through Ignite and receive trusted referrals and even discounts for your new or expanding business!

  • Insurance providers
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Bankers
  • And more!
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Investor Opportunities

Through our events, Ignite connects great ideas with the fuel they need to thrive. These events connect entrepreneurs with a platform to present their ideas to investors. These events are designed to help generate public excitement for the innovative ideas being presented.

  • Angel investing
  • Venture capital
  • Operating capital
  • Gap financing
  • And more!

Ignite Sponsorship

Ignite is a partnership. It takes assistance from throughout our entire region to help Ignite thrive. For this reason, sponsors are needed to assist with Ignite events and activities.




Program Coordinators

PLATINUM $1,500 and above
GOLD $1,000 - $1,500
SILVER $500 - $1,000
BRONZE Below $500
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Sponsor Perks

  • Platinum – Speaking slot at events, video and logo on website, logo on event invites, featured speaker at special events, social media shout-outs, etc.
  • Gold - Event handout advertising, logo on website and event invites, social media shout-outs, etc.
  • Silver – Program pamphlet advertising, social media shout-outs, logo on website, etc.
  • Bronze - social media shout-outs, etc.

*Customized and in-kind sponsorships are also available.

Become a Sponsor

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