Site Selector Tool Kit
Vision Statement
Position Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council as the premier choice for economic development in the Midwest.
Mission Statement
To provide assistance to new and existing businesses in the Hannibal region that will help them sustain, grow, and excel.
Recent News
Marion Ralls Regional Port Authority Announces Niemann Foods, Inc. (NFI) as First Major Tenant at West Quincy Port Site
The Marion Ralls Regional Port Authority and Niemann Foods, Inc. (NFI) are pleased to announce that the first major tenant at the West Quincy Port Authority site will be a Haymakers Convenience…
Hannibal Regional and Community Partners Launch 2025 Community Health Needs Assessment
Hannibal Regional, in collaboration with the United Way of the Mark Twain Area; the county health departments from Marion, Lewis, Monroe, Ralls, and Shelby counties; and the Hannibal Regional Economic Development Council,…